“GoTo, Black Gem, and the hunt for the optical counterpart of Gravitational wave events.”
The discovery of gravitational waves in 2015 was the culmination of
decades of developing and building ever more sensitive
instruments. However, these observations cant pin-point exactly where
in the sky these bursts come from. If astronomers can identify the
electromagnetic counterpart of such events we can gain so much more
information about the nature of the event. The GOTO and BlackGem
optical surveys are two projects which aim to detect these
counterparts. I will outline how they go about searching for transient
events, their discoveries and highlight how the wider public can help
in this work.
Gavin obtained his PhD in X-ray observations of accreting binary stars
from UCL’s Mullard Space Science Lab, after which he spent two years
at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. Returing to MSSL for
more than ten years, he then moved to Armagh Observatory. His
interests include aaccreting binaries, stellar activity, transients
and exo-planets and uses multi-wavelength observations from radio to
X-ray bands. He is the Community Scientist for ESA’s Plato mission due
to be launched in 2026.
VENUE: Larmor Lecture Theatre, Astrophysics Research Centre, Physics Building, QUB.
Admission free, including light refreshments, All welcome.