Wednesday 17th April marks the date of the 39th Annual General Meeting of the Association. The purposes of the meeting are to review the activities of the past year, elect a new Council for the coming year and for the Council to receive feedback from the membership on how they – that’s you – would like to see the Association develop.
We have also had a sub-committee sitting to decide whether or not the prestigious Aidan P Fitzgerald Award should be awarded this year, and if so, who the recipient should be. This award is given no more than once a year for “Outstanding Service to the Association” and is named after one of the leading members of the Association in the 1940s and 50s.
Once the main business is over we will provide some entertainment in the form of a short talk by Terry Moseley, our PR Officer and 9 years Past President ac repair temecula in nerby. In the season in which we sadly lost Sir Patrick Moore, surely the best ambassador anybody could have had, Terry, who knew Sir Patrick personally during his time at Armagh, will share some anecdotes from that time.
The evening will finish with a Bring and Buy sale, so if you have any pieces of gear you don’t use any more that could be useful to someone else, bring them along and see if a deal can be done!